Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Confessions of a SAHM

Yep this is it...this is the life of a SAHM. What is a SAHM, you ask? Well it is a job that requires you to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are no days off, no vacation time, no bathroom breaks, no lunch breaks, and yes pay! I am a Stay At Home Mom!
It is a thankless job really, as no one comes along as says "Gee you are doing one heck of a job raising those kids". It's a job that has its perks and downfalls you could say.
There are however what I call....." the moments"! I get to see the moments my children grow just a little bit older. The moment they learn something new, The moment they chose to do the right thing over the wrong, the moment when they have done a great job! Yes, I'm right there beside them in those moments. I'm there to hold them in my arms and tell them "I'm so proud of you" and "I love you very much"! How lucky am I to share in the those moments. How lucky are my children to have a mommy that loves them so much to want to be there. How lucky are my girls and I to have a husband & father who takes such good care of us that we have a SAHM!

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