Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dog days of Summer!

Well I just wanted to share a sweet picture of our puppy. This is "Mr Itchy" our younger basset hound ( you can sort of see Mr Valentine behind him) taking a nap on the porch...very basset-like behavior. I love his eyes ...he is sucha sad puppy huh? I just love him!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Butterflies Alive!!!

OMG what a amazing sight! Imagine your self in a garden filled with 800 butterflies!!! Yes that's what we found on our trip to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History this last weekend. Their incredible exhibit called Butterflies Alive lets you get up close to this enchanting little creature. 70 different species... all brightly colored... fluttering around you....so much fun! If you held very still you were sure to find a beautiful Monarch butterfly sitting on your shoulder. The garden was so full of butterflies it looked like the flowers were dancing. We were all having a great time and I wish we could have stayed longer. Check it out for yourself and click the bolded names that are links above!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Summer Lovin

Yeah summer is crazy and fun! My kids are lovin the kiddie pool and slide we got them. I love seeing them play and laugh for hours. They will take a quick Popsicle break but other than that its pure adrenaline. Then they spread their pruned skinned little selves across a towel to dry. Its at that moment when they are quiet from the shear exhaustion of playing that I love most. The look so content laying in the grass and warming themselves in the sunshine. Inside we go and for an afternoon movie and snack. Just a another sweet memory in their summer vacation.


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