Saturday, December 29, 2007

Silent Night!

Here is a shot of our Christmas Tree with all the gifts from Santa. We had a fantastic Christmas!! The kids were in absolute"gift-getting" heaven and their excitement never stopped. I received some wonderful gifts and so did Michael. All in all was another wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Anticipation is making me wait!!!

Anticipation is the best and worst part of Christmas. The kids are dying for Santa to come and they are getting antsy. Michael and I are on the other end and we can't wait to watch them open their gifts. Today due to freezing wind we were cooped up in the house. We broke down and gave the kids one of the DVDs we had bought them. Its was "Underdog" and Maddie was so excited she kissed the Here is pic of the kids being silly by the tree today!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Gingerbread House!

We have a annual tradition of making a gingerbread house. We don't do it from scratch but instead buy the kits from Costco. I love how each year the kids become more and more creative. This was the first year that Lauren was really able to put her own style into the house. She was all into decorating the gingerbread man and woman. She really did such a great job. Maddie is semi-pro at this and did great with her roof design. It was lotsa fun and I'm sorry to say pieces are already disappearing from the house...I wonder what little people could be nibbling on our house.....tee hee!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

9 more Sleeps till Santa

Yeah we are counting down till the big happy guy comes. This is Maddies facial response when I told her how many days were left. She looks giddy in the photo and she!! Gotta love this age when they are totally into it Santa and you get to go along for the ride like your a kid again. Notice her new million dollar smile? Well it didn't cost a million but around 6 grand in dental work. They pulled out four teeth and did a bunch of work on the rest of her teeth. This is our reward for having a child who was very sick at birth. Illness and tons of medication effected her teeth. Yeah I know...with Maddie everything is always 10 times harder but YIKES!!


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