Saturday, December 29, 2007

Silent Night!

Here is a shot of our Christmas Tree with all the gifts from Santa. We had a fantastic Christmas!! The kids were in absolute"gift-getting" heaven and their excitement never stopped. I received some wonderful gifts and so did Michael. All in all was another wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Anticipation is making me wait!!!

Anticipation is the best and worst part of Christmas. The kids are dying for Santa to come and they are getting antsy. Michael and I are on the other end and we can't wait to watch them open their gifts. Today due to freezing wind we were cooped up in the house. We broke down and gave the kids one of the DVDs we had bought them. Its was "Underdog" and Maddie was so excited she kissed the Here is pic of the kids being silly by the tree today!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Gingerbread House!

We have a annual tradition of making a gingerbread house. We don't do it from scratch but instead buy the kits from Costco. I love how each year the kids become more and more creative. This was the first year that Lauren was really able to put her own style into the house. She was all into decorating the gingerbread man and woman. She really did such a great job. Maddie is semi-pro at this and did great with her roof design. It was lotsa fun and I'm sorry to say pieces are already disappearing from the house...I wonder what little people could be nibbling on our house.....tee hee!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

9 more Sleeps till Santa

Yeah we are counting down till the big happy guy comes. This is Maddies facial response when I told her how many days were left. She looks giddy in the photo and she!! Gotta love this age when they are totally into it Santa and you get to go along for the ride like your a kid again. Notice her new million dollar smile? Well it didn't cost a million but around 6 grand in dental work. They pulled out four teeth and did a bunch of work on the rest of her teeth. This is our reward for having a child who was very sick at birth. Illness and tons of medication effected her teeth. Yeah I know...with Maddie everything is always 10 times harder but YIKES!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

My Turkey Man!!!

For all who have been to our place for Thanksgiving you KNOW my Husband cooks up on heck of a turkey! It was so delicious and good in fact that there were ZERO left overs. Not even some scrap for a sandwich. I wanted to share some pics from our turkey day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A peek from my last shoot!

Love this little girls eyes. She reminds me of Brooke Shields when she was little...what a cutie!!!

Turkey Day is coming!!!!

Yes Turkey day is coming and we are gearing up for all the guests coming to our home. So far it will be a party of 13. It is about half the number from last year due to babies being born and Michael's family all living so far away. My Michael has his turkey fryer ready and I am creating my Gooey good Pumpkin Cake!! YUMMMY!!!!! Here is a shot of my baby girl Lauren looking very "fall"! She is quit the bowl of sunshine right now and keeps me laughing constantly!! For those of you who have had not tasted the delicious gooey pumpkin cake here is the link to the recipe. However my secret is to cut the sugar in half. It makes it not so rich and lets you taste the pumpkin more. click here........Gooey Pumpkin Cake!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Gotta Love this face!!!

This is Ms. Emma and she is quite the little thing. She is extremely shy and doesn't make much eye contact with the camera. At the same time "very firm" about what she wanted to do and didn't want to do. Also Ms. Emma was unwilling to give into the pleas and demands of her parents to "smile"! I admire that she is her own person and has a strong personality. I love how this shot turned out. She chose the spot and I guided her to relax where she was. She is looking at me (finally) being all herself and doing the pictures on her own terms. Gotta love a strong lil woman!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My New favorite!!

Did a shoot recently with one my foxycropper friends Colleen and her beautiful daughter. This ones is my favorite so I had to share!!! Isn't she just stunning!!!

Its Fall y'all

OK OK I know it only feels like fall one day out of the week. But I try to enjoy it anyway. If you're like me you've got your summer stuff and winter stuff in the front of your closet. Anyway on one those "fall-ish" days I took the kids to the park to enjoy the leaves and cool weather. Maddie was willing to let me get a few shots of her playing. lauren...not so willing!! lol

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Bed of Roses

Just gotta share this amazingly sweet baby sleeping on a bed of roses. Did her photos the other week and she was just perfect. At 4 days old she is already set to be a supermodel.

A little rain must fall!!

Yes we had the first rain of fall 2007 and I must say it was nice. It went from 80 degrees and clear blue skies to ...a cool 70 with thunder storms and heavy pour down. The kids were in heaven. How long have the waited to play in the rain somewhere around over six months. Yeah I think it was March the last time it rained here So I let them loose in rain coats with a umbrella to play. It may be hard to see in the picture but it is coming down in buckets and the girls are getting ready to run out into it.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Little Angel!!!!

This is picture from a recent shoot. This adorable little girl, Riley, has such beautiful eyes!!!!
This shot is part of the tutu collection and will be shown on my new website!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dog days of Summer!

Well I just wanted to share a sweet picture of our puppy. This is "Mr Itchy" our younger basset hound ( you can sort of see Mr Valentine behind him) taking a nap on the porch...very basset-like behavior. I love his eyes ...he is sucha sad puppy huh? I just love him!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Butterflies Alive!!!

OMG what a amazing sight! Imagine your self in a garden filled with 800 butterflies!!! Yes that's what we found on our trip to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History this last weekend. Their incredible exhibit called Butterflies Alive lets you get up close to this enchanting little creature. 70 different species... all brightly colored... fluttering around much fun! If you held very still you were sure to find a beautiful Monarch butterfly sitting on your shoulder. The garden was so full of butterflies it looked like the flowers were dancing. We were all having a great time and I wish we could have stayed longer. Check it out for yourself and click the bolded names that are links above!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Summer Lovin

Yeah summer is crazy and fun! My kids are lovin the kiddie pool and slide we got them. I love seeing them play and laugh for hours. They will take a quick Popsicle break but other than that its pure adrenaline. Then they spread their pruned skinned little selves across a towel to dry. Its at that moment when they are quiet from the shear exhaustion of playing that I love most. The look so content laying in the grass and warming themselves in the sunshine. Inside we go and for an afternoon movie and snack. Just a another sweet memory in their summer vacation.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I think I'll keep them!

Summer is always hard for me. Trying to keep the girls entertained and free from boredom. Sometimes I want to "sell them to the Gypsies" ( as my grandmama would say) from the constant bickering and complaining that goes on. But then those days happen that change your mind those days when they are sweet and loving to each other. Those days like today and then you say...yeah I think I'll keep them a little longer!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Chic a La Tutu style!!!

Heres another beauty from my tutu collection shoots!
I love how this turned out!! Delany's facial expression and dimple are just too cute! I will be putting them on my website soon!

Monday, June 25, 2007

I just had to share my favorite image from my photo shoot yesterday. Isn't this a beautiful picture! I just love how sweet that pregnant belly silhouette looks!! I have a bunch of new stuff on the website so feel free to check it out!!! I will be posting my Tutu Collection stuff here soon. But the promotion is already on the website click here to take a peek.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Shes gotta Ticket to Ride!!!

Yes that's my Maddie with her Fourth place ribbon riding her horse Carosel!!!
What an amazing day at the CALNET horseback riding competition. We have been training for only a few weeks but Miss Maddie rode into the ring like it was no big deal. She turned to wave to Mom and Dad and the took the competition by storm. The judges later told us that if they were judging by cuteness alone Maddie took first You never saw a more proud lil girl that day. She stopped everyone she new and didn't know to show them her ribbon. All and all an AMAZING Day!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Easter Gang!!!

This my picture of the big group photo at my Aunt Judy's house. As you see its a large group and this is a yearly tradition. For those family members wanting to have this picture for yourself you can "right click" (this one here and the ones on flicker) and save it into your computer. I have more pictures from the day on my flicker account feel free to check them out and keep them my Easter gift to my family! HUGS!!! As you all know I have my Photography business up and running and the link is down to the right...Think Pink Inc Photography. Let me knowif you want a portrait done. And finally here is the flicker link........

After Close Egg Examination...

Madison realized the eggs she had hunted were all brought by the same person and contained all the same non- chocolate candy!! Also every single egg was sealed shut with tape and becuase of this she couldn't get them open. My Poor Maddie was such a champion egg hunter I'm sure she thought she had hit the mother load in chocolate was not the case. But Fear not ! She has plenty of chocolate at home.

Color me Happy!!!

Happy Easter!! Yes my Lauren just loved coloring Eggs. She jumped in like a little pro and actually did a great job on her first try. Maddie had fun too but she was much calmer. However Lauren is still asking me to do it

Saturday, March 31, 2007

"Miss Nosy"

Walking home from the park the other day we heard a puppy barking on the other side of this fence. Madison insisting on finding a peep hole to see what kind of puppy it was. Geez it just might be a Dalmatian puppy. I love the look of this photo... cool huh!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Blue Eyes

Did some pictures this weekend at Topanga Cyn Park. Its just breath taking there lately. I love how the soft light filters through the trees and how the fog gently falls back into the meadows. There are deer and other wildlife peeking out of every corner. I loved this picture of Madison... I played with the color so her eyes just popped out. I think it looks just beautiful!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Color RED!!!

I did this color code quiz today at : Before I took it I thought to myself "I bet I'm a red". I don't know why but I have always liked pink and red as colors go. Anyway I take the quiz and wala...I'm a red ..surprise... There are pros and cons to being a red but I must say that if I wasn't a red I wouldn't have survived my life this far. A weaker color wouldn't have lasted this But it was interesting anyway to look at yourself in a different way. Color Codes : REDS are motivated by POWER. They seek productivity and need to look good to others. Simply stated, REDS want their own way. They like to be in the driver's seat and willingly pay the price to be in a leadership role. REDS value whatever gets them ahead in life, whether it be in their careers, school endeavors, or personal life. What REDS value, they get done. They are often workaholics. They will, however, resist doing anything that doesn't interest them. REDS like to be right. They value approval from others for their intelligence and practical approach to life, and want to be respected for it. REDS are confident, proactive, and visionary; but can also be arrogant, selfish, and insensitive. When others interact with you, as a RED you respond to them best if they are precise, factual, direct, AND show no fear!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Wicked Popular!

Yes I finally saw WICKED the musical the other night and i'm still dancing and laughing. What a great show and an AMAZING cast!! I just loved Eden Esponosa and Megan Hilty..they both have incredible voices and are both so pretty. I higly recommend it to anyone and everyone. Its just a great evening all around.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy "HEART" Day!!!!

Hey everyone Happy Valentines day!!!! I want to share a picture of one of my little Valentines today....its a picture I took yesterday at the park. Lauren was already in the spirit of Heart Day with her pink and red sweater and heart barrettes. She looks so stinkin cute here i could eat her up!! As always she has "Brown Bear" in tow..too sweet huh! You may also notice her hair has some purple in it...she was painting at school and did a little dye job on! My handsome hubby and I have a romantic dinner planned at "Roy Yamaguchi's" in the valley this evening...just LOVE their food...its to die for!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Disney Birthday!

We took Lauren to Disneyland for her 3rd birthday. Nana, Poppy, and Kali came along and we were happy to have them with makes it more fun You could not have asked for three more well behaved children....all 3 were sweet and good! We went on every ride we planned and it was a blast. My little Lauren looked like a pro as we made our way through the park. She kept her "brown bear" by her side as always. We checked out the new Princess Faire Attraction and Maddie took some princess lessons...too cute! It was a long day but tons of fun. We filled our bags with Disney stuffed animals and headed home.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Its real snow!!!!!

We took the kids to the snow for the first time this last weekend. Its was an absolute blast!!! We had a great weather and we're barely cold We had a fee snowball fights while there. Maddie is just ruthless and aims for your face while Lauren is more gentle and shocked when she gets hit. We did some sleding at the mountain high tubing park and it s was sucha wild ride. The kids loved it ...see this link to check it out

Happy Happy Birthday Baby!!!

Yes.... my baby Lauren turned three and my world is just not the same. She is becoming so grown up and starting "real" preschool not just mommy and me stuff. We had a little party at home for her and the big present is going to Disneyland. She is such a Strong willed child and yet has such a great personality. I love her so much!! Happy birthday Baby love!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Think Pink Inc Photography

Yes business launch has started and things are moving faster than I had expected. It seems with the slightest mention of my photography business starting and I have a new client waiting. This is great...i have no ....But its keeping me on my toes. So for those out of the loop I will tell you the story. I have been taking pictures as a hobby for years. Many family and friends have asked for me to take pictures for them. My father was a photographer and influenced me. I have always done photography just for the "fun of it"!! Now that I'm staying home with the kids I would love for it to be a more business based thing. Its funny because I think anyone can take a class and learn how to take a picture. I have many friends who have done that. Yes there exposure it correct but the image has no feeling or emotion or its flat no fun ! I know I have an eye for photography! I see a picture in my mind before I even take it. I can take a picture and grab your emotion at the same time. That is art...that is what I want to sell people! The above pictures is over pregnant woman making a heart with her fingers atop of her unborn child. I love how the light falls across her fingers ...its just beautiful!
My website is up feel free to check it out

Thursday, January 11, 2007

the limp that stole Christmas!!

Yes I know I haven't posted in like .....FOREVER. But honestly I have a good excuse. I have a kid with a broken ankle. Yes the first day of Christmas vacation I dropped off Madison to visit Nana for an hour. She lets her play on the trampoline (which I had said was not safe and that I didn't want Maddie on it) and she broke her ankle. So after hours in the ER this is where we end up... a hot pink cast. Maddie has missed out on so much horseback riding, no recess at school, no playing outside at home. Now the countdown has begun...we have five day until it is off!!!!!


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